alternative media, dark realities
The world's collapsing as it should.
Let's build a new one by understanding what's wrong with it now. what's been wrong. at least trying to.
Link sharing to help broaden our perception of, and conversations about, our multidimensional and 3D reality.
Everything contains an element of truth. Many of these elements (perspectives) aren't broadcasted through mainstream channels. Which doesn't make them any more or less credible - just less visible >
> accessible and therefore, different.
I'm interested in difference. Expansion by way of exploring a variety of perspectives while eschewing the limits of or need to categorize using right or wrong - acknowledging the inherent right and wrongness in all things.
If you'd like to share an article or resource, please send via email.
Ascension mechanics and resources. Monthly classes, planetary updates and incredible information on hidden planetary and galactic history.
Law of One principles channeled by an ancient astronaut known as 'Ra'.