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Future of advertising & consciousness capture

​First click, then lick. The future of advertising will serve to collect more and more refined streams of data by engaging more than just your eyes, ears, fingers and thumbs.

Meaning, rather than aiming to direct your attention, advertisements will be used to capture it. And not just your attention - which is transient, but your consciousness, which is eternal. Technology is already doing this.

This will happen by involving more of your senses, like smell and taste. The pinnacle of this will involve capturing DNA samples through saliva. Samples, which Bill Gates has already done in large swaths with 23andme.

But this will be more mainstream. Like youtube disrupting your watching life with incessant ads, the next generation of ads will disrupt your waking/walking life by employing first voluntary and 'interactive' tactics which overtime become necessary and mandatory (ie: CITIbikes and cashless stores). These interactive tactics will continue being used to collect even more data for the internet of things machine, which is used to create more sophisticated digital clones of every individual.

Consider the shift from corporate sponsored events to corporate hosted events. Think every 'art' exhibition ever hosted at Google's pop-up shop in Soho. Removing the subjective quality of 'art' or anything non-commercial altogether to create interactive experiences which are actually just embodied advertisements. Except the participants don't get paid and mindlessly feed the machine via sharing event images on social media. A branded, normalized cycle of corporations infiltrating, facilitating and eventually owning the byproducts of our experiences and interactions

Which brings to mind the push for drivers to allow motor insurance companies like Root and State Farm to monitor driving as a way to potentially lower rates based on your performance. State Farm, without having this strategy baked into their launch like Root, now promotes a discount to customers who agree to this monitoring via an in-car tracking device that collates data within its own phone application. Both necessitate bluetooth being turned on at all times, with the threat of canceling the discount for noncompliance. Do you really think these insurance companies want to do is save good drivers money? Do you really think there is a wide enough discrepancy between good and bad drivers that would make this strategy logical, and useful for the masses?

The more data corporations have on individuals, the more control they have over that individual and society as a whole. The more control they have, the more they can intuit and DESIGN our experiences for us. On every level.

Cellular to emotional. Want to incite a riot? Just refer to all the geographical algorithms on file to gauge pedestrian traffic patterns and sync that up to the media broadcasting of NOTHING but the same emotionally charged stories of the same events over and over again until the pot is boiled and all the bricks are in a row.

This is Marxism on every level.

But back to licking. This would mark the most ingenious ad strategy - 23andme without the price point. Imagine how many people would sign up for something like a free offspring- eye-color-predictor at a CRISPR pop-up booth in Times Square? Swabbing their DNA away to anti-human corporate entities who are at this point pulling out all stops to remain in control, collecting EVERYTHING there is to know about live-you so digital-you can be simulated virtually for research and experimentation into creating live cyborgs. Which is their ultimate goal because then there would be ZERO dissent. We are not far away from this.

So I leave you with the recommendation of keeping your guards up and staying as alert to covert data collections as possible while we experience even tighter squeezes from those in power as their posts and ploys are progressively exposed and dismantled. They will and do try anything.

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